E7 Mobile Apps

E7 Loopy - Brain Teaser 1.1
E7 Mobile
So you think connecting dots is easy?Oh, how wrong you are.Let us introduce you to Loopy(also known as Slitherlink), averychallenging series of logic puzzles that require yourundividedattention. The game is played on a square lattice of dotsand theaim of the game is to connect the dots in a single loopwhilemaking sure each number has the required amount of linesaroundit.Logic puzzle games are not generally considered to be "easy"butLoopy takes it to another level and will truly test you andyourbrain. There are certain rules and strategies that helpyoucomplete these puzzles but they won't simply be enough as youmustgrind through every possibility in order to completethesecomplicated-------------------------------------------------------Rules1) A completed puzzle will have lines connected into asingleloop.2) Numbers indicate how many lines must surround thatnumber.3) You do not have to use all dots in order to completethepuzzle.-------------------------------------------------------E7 loopy features...• A tutorial mode featuring 24 stages that guides playersthroughevery step on how to solve each puzzle efficiently.• 3 basic difficulty levels(Easy, Normal, Hard)• 30 different puzzles for each difficulty• Constant hints and reminders that help players whoarestuck• In-app purchase options for even more game packsincludingbigger puzzles as well as Expert and Masterdifficulties• 924 puzzles available in totalDownload E7 Loopy and challenge yourself and friends inthisbrain stimulating puzzle game!Fences, Takegaki, Loop the Loop, Ouroboros, Suriza,DottyDilemma, Slitherlink
E7 Masyu - Brain Teaser 1.1
E7 Mobile
E7 Mobile brings to you yet anotherchallengingbut addicting mobile puzzle game!Just like the previous logic puzzle games introduced to you byE7Mobile the newest game, Masyu, will prove to be a anexcitingchallenge for puzzle game fans. Masyu is played on asquarelattices of dots along with white and black circles. Theobjectiveof the game is to connect the dots into a single rulewhilesatisfying the conditions of each circle.Masyu is played in a similar way to "Loopy" and thus isratherchallenging. However once certain patterns and strategiesbecomefamiliar the task of completing each puzzle will becomemucheasier.-------------------------------------------------------Rules1) You must connect dots and make a single loop.2) The loop must pass through all black and white circles.3) Lines can only pass straight through white circles andtheymust curve at at least one end of the line.4) Lines must pass through black circles at a 90 degree angleandthey must stretch one more cell.-------------------------------------------------------E7 Masyu features...• A tutorial mode featuring 24 stages that guides playersthroughevery step on how to solve each puzzle efficiently.• 3 basic difficulty levels(Easy, Normal, Hard)• 30 different puzzles for each difficulty• Constant hints and reminders that help players whoarestuck• In-app purchase options for even more game packsincludingbigger puzzles as well as Expert and Masterdifficulties• 964 puzzles available in totalDownload E7 Masyu and work your brain to completeeachfascinating puzzle!
E7 Lightup - Brain Teaser 1.1
E7 Mobile
Can you light up these puzzles?Lightup, also known as Akari, is a logic puzzle game played onagrid of cells. You must use numbered cells as clues and trytolight up all the cells by placing light bulbs in theircorrectpositions. The numbers on cells indicate how many lightbulbs theymust be surrounded by.Although some experienced puzzle game players may alreadybefamiliar with Lightup and how it is played, there are probablymorepeople who are unfamiliar with the game. E7 Lightup wasdesignedspecifically so that beginners can download the app andquicklylearn all the rules and strategies of the game!-------------------------------------------------------Rules1. Every cell must be lit.2. The numbers show how many light bulbs surround that cell.3. Light bulbs cannot light each other.-------------------------------------------------------E7 Lightup features...• A tutorial mode featuring 40 stages that guides playersthroughevery step on how to solve each puzzle efficiently.• 3 basic difficulty levels(Easy, Normal, Hard)• 30 different puzzles for each difficulty• Constant hints and reminders that help players whoarestuck• In-app purchase options for even more game packsincludingbigger puzzles as well as Expert and Masterdifficulties• 940 puzzles available in totalDownload E7 Lightup and try to solve and light every puzzle!